Sunday, April 24, 2011

Apartment Therapy House Tour

So sorry for the long lag in blog posts. Truly don't know where my time goes these days. But it's time to get started again, documenting the crazy, hectic, but fun-filled days that make up our life in the country of Vermont!

First up, a much belated post about the tour of our house posted on Apartment Therapy last fall! We were so stoked when we heard that AT was interested in our place--I leaned on AT heavily for ideas during the design and build phase. Many elements of our home including the chalkboard wall, the apple crates as side tables, black and white hexagon bathroom tiles, mason jars instead of glasses (pictures to come!), etc. all made their way into my head compliments of some AT post. So it was super cool to see OUR house on their site! So without further ado, click here to see the house tour. And here are some of the awesome photos they took for us.

(Also, please ignore the baby-on-the-counter drama. Totally predicted the backlash and am still kicking myself for allowing that picture to be posted--I was really right there. The kiddo was never in danger.)

Upcoming posts to include our backyard composting system (should really have started it a long time ago) and our most recent project--chickens!!! Ryan is starting the coop next weekend and our chicks arrive on May 27th. What is it about us and putting off building projects until the last possible minute? We moved into the house December 2009 and Milo was born February 2010. We build the chicken coop in May and the babies are due the same month. I see a pattern developing here...

More to come!

[Edit: Just realized that my last post was almost a year to the day ago...ridiculous! Promise to be better!]