Friday, August 28, 2009


Cost of building this new house? $260,000.
Cost of hiring a lawyer and hydrogeologist to help convince the town to let us build it? $10,000
Knowing that the smaller guest bedroom will now become a nursery? Priceless.

Okay, so I've used the Mastercard commercial format before in an earlier post. Lame, I know. It was just too perfect a way to announce our news! Not that I would advise this to anyone else...but we are definitely building a house and building a baby at the same time :) We decided to start trying (or stop paying attention...or trying to not try...or something like that) when the town finally gave us the go-ahead back at the end of April. By the end of May, I was preggo. Crazy. We still can't believe how quickly it happened. We are eternally grateful that things went so smoothly because infertility runs in my family and we have many friends who have struggled to conceive. So while the timeline isn't ideal, we are definitely not complaining.

Bill and his crew are doing an amazing job. I am literally stunned every day I drive by the site to see the progress they have made. I *think* we are on track to finish by Dec. 1st (yay federal tax credit) which means we'll have exactly two months to nest before Baby Hayes makes his/her arrival. Our official due date is Feb. 8th. I'm intrigued by the romantic notion of having a Valentine's Day baby but, as Ryan pointed out, that would mean I was almost a week overdue. So the 8th is fine by me.

We are going to make the smaller of the two upstairs guest rooms (the one over the kitchen/dining/living room area) the nursery. In some ways, starting from scratch is sort of exciting! So is letting Ryan and his brother level off the gravel last weekend because I couldn't do it "in my condition." I also can avoid most of the back-breaking work of packing and moving. Woohoo! Then again, I suppose I'll be doing some serious manual labor come February...

So while I've always contended that this is a house-only blog and that I wouldn't deviate into other subjects, I lied. This will evolve slightly to include some baby-related posts and items. Since we're building a green house, you know we're going to create a green nursery!

Thanks to all our family and friends for their support and excitement. We said we'd start a family once the house was finished...who knew we were being so literal?!?